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Privacy Notice


*This English version of the Policy is provided for reference purpose only. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English and others’ language versions, the English version shall prevail.


Comprised of Hampshire-Corp (hereinafter “Hampshire”) and its various subsidiaries and affiliates, the Hampshire’s Group (the “Group”) provides many different kinds of services. When you make use of these services, we collect, use, and store your information accordingly.


This Privacy Policy (the “Policy” was created to help you understand why and how the Hampshire’s Group companies use your information, and the rights and choices you have in this regard. The Hampshire’s Group companies want to ensure that, no matter how you use the Hampshire Group’s services, you are empowered to make real choices about your information.


For more details, please also see “How we use your information”.


1. What This Policy Covers

The Hampshire’s Group aims to provide you with a unique and personalized experience when you interact with the Hampshire Group’s services. In order to achieve this goal, the Hampshire Group provides a unified ID program called “Hampshire ID” which includes a single log-in function that makes it easy for you to access and use applicable services provided globally by the Hampshire Group companies. You may create your own Hampshire account (your “Account”), and use all related services (together, the “Membership Service”) in accordance with this Policy and the Hampshire Membership Rules set forth separately by Hampshire.


This Privacy Policy applies to your use of services (including related services, applications, tools, etc., hereinafter the “Services”) provided to you by Hampshire, and other Hampshire Group companies that have adopted this Policy (collectively, “we” or “us”). Please be aware that for certain services, we or the other Hampshire Group companies may provide you with privacy statements in addition to, or in place of, this Privacy Policy, as appropriate.


Please only use the Services or the Membership Service after you have carefully read and understood this Policy, the Hampshire  Membership Rules, and other applicable terms. In using the Services or the Membership Service, you represent that you understand the contents of this Policy, and that you consent to our collection, use, transfer and retention of information about you as described herein.

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact us using the information provided in Section 9 (“Contact Us ”).

(*) “We” refers to the following Hampshire  Group companies:
1. Hampshire Eco Farms Sdn Bhd
2. Duesey Coffee And Chocolates Sdn Bhd.

3. VGrab Communications Inc.

4. VGrab Communications Malaysia Sdn Bhd

5. Duesenberg Inc.

6. Hampshire Automotive Sdn Bhd


2. The Information We Collect

For the purposes stated in Section 3 (“Use and Retention of Your Information”), we collect information about you as described in this Section 2. This includes information that you give us directly, information about your use of the Services, and information received from third parties. All the personal information that we collect and use in accordance with this Policy is centrally managed and stored by Hampshire.


2-1 Your log-in information:

  • Your user ID and password

  • Your name and email address


2-2 Information related to your use of the News Subscriptions/ Shareholder / Membership Service and the Services:

  • Information you give us in connection with your Account, such as your gender, age, date of birth, telephone numbers, and address

  • Information relating to your use of reward points, coupons, cashbacks and other incentive programs provided to you as part of the Membership Service

  • Information relating to your use of the Services (including activities such as page viewing and comment posting), or to the transactions you make using the Services, such as purchases or subscriptions (including the payment methods you use)


2-3 Payment information and information used for personal identification:

  • Information relating to payment settlements, such as credit card information, bank account information, and e-money related account information

  • Documents that we are required by law to collect in order to authenticate your identity (such as your driver’s licence, health insurance certificate or certificate of residence), and the information included therein


2-4 Device information and information obtained using Cookie Technologies:

When you use the Membership Service or the Services, interact with any content or advertising related to such services, or validate any cookies, web beacons, unique identifiers and other related technologies (collectively, the “Cookie Technologies”) that we employ, we automatically collect certain information about you and the device you are using.


Such information may include:

  • Device ID or other information that allows us to identify the device you are using;

  • Operating system and internet connection related information;

  • Geo-location information;

  • Referring URL;

  • IP Address;

  • URLs viewed and time stamp of time viewed

  • Server log information other than the above

  • Information related to products and services displayed and searched


For a more detailed explanation on the information we collect through the Cookie Technologies, please refer to the Behaviour Targeting Advertising and Invalidation (United States Of Americaese) webpage.


2-5 Information we collect from other sources

During your use of the Membership Service and the Services, we may request, collect and store information about you from publicly available sources and third parties, such as your credit information and information necessary for fraud prevention and detection, as may be necessary from time to time and as permitted under applicable law. In addition, based on your separate consent, we may receive other personal information about you from third party sources.

Unless necessary for the purpose of providing you with the service in question or for another legally permissible reason, during your use of the Services or the Membership Service, we do not intentionally collect or use information of yours that may be considered sensitive, such as information relating to your race, religion, social status, medical or criminal history, or whether you were a victim of a crime (together, “Sensitive Information”). In the event that you voluntarily give your Sensitive Information to us, we will treat such information as information related to your use of the Membership Service and the Services (2-2) that has been provided to us with your express consent, and process it in accordance with this Policy.


3. Use and Retention of Your Information

We use the personal information that we collect to provide you with the single log-in function as part of Hampshire ID, the Services and the Membership Service, and advertising and marketing content in accordance with your interests and preferences; to conduct research and development, to respond to customer inquiries, and to prevent and mitigate fraudulent or illegal activities.


Specifically, we may use the information we collect about you for the purposes listed below:


3-1 To provide you with single log-in function as part of the Hampshire ID program:

  • To enable you to log into your Account across applicable services provided by the Hampshire  Group companies


3-2 To provide you with the Membership Service and the Services:

  • To enable your use of the Membership Service and the Services

  • For the provision of personalized services, content, and information related to the Membership Service and the Services

  • For the provision of incentive programs relating to the Membership Service, such as reward points, coupons and cashback rewards


3-3 To provide you with advertisements, promotion and marketing content:

  • To display or send to you advertising content, such as direct mail or email newsletters, with your consent, or via methods otherwise permitted under applicable law

  • For the display, introduction, or advertisement of products and services offered by us, other Hampshire  Group companies and our third party partners on our websites or on other advertising media that we manage or operate


3-4 To undertake service improvement, research and development:

  • To improve existing services and conduct R&D for the development of new services


3-5 To respond appropriately to customer inquiries:

  • So that we may respond appropriately to customer inquiries, complaints, or requests in relation to our services and advertisements


3-6 To prevent and mitigate fraudulent or illegal activities:

  • For the prevention, identification and investigation of scams, cyber-attacks, and other potentially illegal or fraudulent activities, or in relation to any other activities necessary to protect the legal rights of the Hampshire  Group and/or the rights of third parties


We may retain information about you for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes described above. In order to comply with our obligations under applicable law, collect fees owed, resolve disputes, enforce our legal rights, and to undertake any investigations necessitated by the foregoing, some of your information may be retained in our systems even after your account becomes closed.



4. Disclosure of Information about You


4-1 Disclosure within the Hampshire Group

In order for the Hampshire  Group to develop and provide you with ever more unique and attractive services, it is essential that the Hampshire  Group companies are able to share information with one another.


For this reason, Hampshire centrally manages and stores the personal information that we collect in accordance with this Policy. Whilst Hampshire is responsible for centrally managing and storing your personal information, we, the Hampshire Group companies who have adopted this Policy, will have access to your personal information and will use it in accordance with the provisions of this Policy.

In addition, we may disclose your personal information to other Hampshire Group companies, including those located outside of United States of America. These companies may access and use your information as set forth in the table below.


4-1-1 Disclosure and use of information by Hampshire Group companies operating services that support Hampshire  ID.

Types of Information

Your log-in information (2-1)

Purposes of Use

  • To provide you with the single log-in function as part of the Hampshire  ID program (3-1); and

  • To respond appropriately to customer inquiries (3-5)


4-1-2 Disclosure and use of information by Hampshire  Group companies providing services that you requested, when you utilize your Account at, or link your Account with, an applicable Hampshire  Group service.

Types of Information

  • Your log-in information (2-1);

  • Information related to your use of the Membership Service and the Services (2-2);

  • Payment information and information used for personal identification (2-3); and

  • Device information and information obtained using Cookie Technologies (2-4)


Purpose of Use

The purposes of use are the provision of the requested service by the Other Hampshire Group Company and any other purpose described in the privacy policy of the Other Hampshire  Group Company providing the service.


4-1-3 Disclosure and use of information by Hampshire  Group companies that oversee R&D operations

Types of Information

  • Your log-in information (2-1);

  • Information related to your use of the Membership Service and the Services (2-2); and

  • Device information and information obtained using Cookie Technologies (2-4)


Purpose of Use

To undertake service improvement, research and development (3-4)


4-1-4 Disclosure and use of information by all Hampshire  Group companies

Types of Information

  • Information related to your use of the Membership Service and the Services (2-2) (with specific contact information such as your birth date, phone number and addresses removed or masked so that you may not be contacted directly); and

  • Device information and information obtained using Cookie Technologies (2-4)


Purpose of Use

  • To provide you with advertisements, promotion and marketing content (3-3); and

  • To undertake service improvement, research and development (3-4)


If there are changes to the internal structure of the Hampshire  Group so that another Hampshire  Group company takes on the role of centrally managing and storing personal information in accordance with this Policy, that Hampshire  Group company will handle your information in accordance with this Policy in place of Hampshire .


4-2 Disclosure to Sellers of Goods and Services

We provide your personal information to sellers and relevant service providers (each a “Merchant”), including those located outside of United States Of America, when you use the Services to purchase products, or to request transaction related services such as a booking confirmation or a product delivery (including offers to make transactions). In such cases, we only disclose your information to the extent necessary to effect the transaction.

Personal information provided for the purpose of effecting transactions between you and Merchants is managed by the Merchants. In addition to completing the transaction you have requested, Merchants may use your personal information for the purposes of providing you with information via email newsletters after the transaction, analyzing your purchases and use of their services, or for the improvement of their own business operations.

Please exercise caution when disclosing any information to the Merchants as any information which you disclose directly to the Merchants will not be governed by this Policy. Any such disclosure will be subject to the privacy notices that they provide.


4-3 Disclosure to Other Third Parties

In addition to the disclosures described above, we may also disclose your personal information to certain trusted third party service providers, including those located outside of United States Of America, where necessary to carry out our business operations.

Please be assured that we will only disclose your personal information in compliance with applicable law, and with the appropriate management and supervision of the relevant third parties.


On occasion, judicial or regulatory authorities may request access to or disclosure of information about you for law enforcement purposes. Such requests typically pertain to criminal investigations or other legal proceedings. Where they are necessary and legitimate, we will respond to such requests in accordance with our internal policies and applicable law.

Additionally, in cases where it is necessary to prevent and mitigate fraudulent or illegal activities (3-6), or to protect life, body, or property, we may disclose your personal information to another Hampshire  Group company or to a third party.

We will not use or disclose your information for purposes not set forth in this Policy without informing you and taking any necessary steps in advance as required under applicable law. Regardless of the purpose, we will not sell or rent information about you to a third party without your express consent.




5. Your Choices

As a principle, you will have a choice whether to provide information to us. However, where you have a choice and decide not to provide us with certain information, you may not be able to make use or take advantage of all of the features of the Membership Service or the Services. You may also be unable to receive certain information that may otherwise benefit you, such as notifications of campaigns or promotions.

You can change your preferences for receiving promotional email and your preferred contact methods at any time by following the relevant instructions on our websites.



6. Updating Your Information

We want to do all we can to keep your personal information accurately recorded in our system. To this end, we endeavour to provide you with easy access to your information. You are able to view, modify and remove most of the information that you have given to us through your Account management page. Please remember to update information about yourself that has become inaccurate or outdated.

If you would like to access your information in written form, or through a means other than your Account management page, please contact us via the method described in Section 9 (“Contact Us”). Fees may apply. In some cases, depending on the nature of the information and how it is stored, it may not be possible for us to fulfil your request.


7. Security and International Transfers

We are committed to handing your personal information in accordance with high security standards and in compliance with applicable law. We do so in order to prevent unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure of your information, to maintain the accuracy of such information and, when necessary, to ensure its proper destruction. When collecting or transferring your personal information, we employ data encryption technology, and restrict access only to those persons who require it to fulfil their job responsibilities. We conduct periodic reviews of our practices to ensure that our safeguards are properly implemented and remain state of the art.

Because of the global nature of our business, the information that we collect from you may be transferred to countries whose data protection laws are not as comprehensive as those from where you are based. When we transfer personal information overseas, we put in place adequate measures to protect your personal information as required under applicable laws.


In order to maintain the security of your Account it is essential that you take adequate measures to protect your password. You should not use the same password that you use for other services, and you should never share your password with anyone. Please treat any email or other communication requesting your password as unauthorized and suspicious and forward the communication to us, using the contact method provided in Section 9 (“Contact Us”).


If you do share your Hampshire password with a third party for any reason, including when the third party has promised to provide you additional services such as account aggregation, the third party will have access to your Account and your personal information. In such cases, to the extent that the liability is not attributable to us, we are not liable for any losses or damages that you may incur as a result of activities that take place on your Account. If you believe someone else has obtained unauthorized access to your password, please change it and contact us immediately.

What to do when faced with orders or bills you don’t recognize


8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

From time to time, in order to comply with changes in applicable laws or for legitimate business purposes, we may make changes to this Policy. Any changes we make will be displayed on this page. Please check back from time to time to ensure that you have read the most recent version of this Policy.



9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the contents of this Policy or other aspects of how your personal information is handled, please contact us. Our contact information is listed there. Please note that when contacting us, we may ask you for certain information so that we can verify your identity and respond to your request appropriately.

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